Sail To Freedom!

Beyond The Binge is a podcast community designed to take you on a transformative journey. Through engaging episodes released twice a week, you’ll gain clarity on the cycle keeping you stuck, understand what it takes to overcome binge eating, and discover the best path forward for your unique journey.

Are You Someone Who…

Has always had an unhealthy relationship with food?

Cycles between periods of dieting and food restriction, followed by losing control and eating alarming amounts of food?

Has tried every diet under the sun, only to gain more weight over the years?

Feels anxious around food, especially when socializing with others?

Experiences times when you can’t stop thinking about food?

Struggles with imposter syndrome and low self-confidence, which affects how you show up in your career and with your family?

Finds it hard to lose weight but gains it back with ease?

Gets comfort and pleasure from foods that contribute to weight gain?

Feels overwhelmed by emotions and stress, leading to secret bingeing episodes?

Diets during the day but can’t control yourself around food in the evening, often ending up bingeing?

Mindlessly snacks when bored, stressed, or tired—especially at night?

Wakes up in the morning feeling exhausted?

And most importantly: Have you had enough of binge eating but have no idea where to start?

It’s all connected. And we’ve made it easy for you by designing a journey that takes you from where you are right now to exactly where you want to be—most importantly, to freedom from binge eating.

Here Is My #1 Advice To You

My name is Mo. I’m a Registered Dietitian and Coach who once struggled with binge eating disorder, depression, anxiety, OCD, and finding the right balance of discipline and consistency to achieve my goals—starting with my health.

If I could go back in time to give myself advice, this is what I’d say:

Don’t wait.
The longer you wait, the harder it becomes.

There will come a point when you say, “Enough is enough.” That moment will mark your starting point. But don’t make it harder on your future self by waiting until you’re at your lowest point.

Where you are right now is low enough.
From here, you have two options: You can work to climb up, or you can continue to sink lower.

Don’t try to do it alone.
The risks of going it alone outweigh the rewards. Remember, it’s the choices you’ve made that have brought you to this point.

You don’t have to do this by yourself.
Work with someone who has done the work and can guide you on your journey.

When Will Enough Be Enough?

Money Wasting

Low Energy

Time Wasting

Depression & Anxiety

Weight Gain

Poor Role-Modeling

Wasted Goals & Potential

Toxic & Poor Relationships

…And More

What Our Clients Are Saying.